(No not the Farmville on Facebook, stay with me here folks.) After our early morning outing we had quite a little jaunt down to Greensboro North Carolina, for a little single A baseball action at Grasshopper Park, downtown. The weekend started on Thursday with a round of captain's choice golf at the Longwood University course in a little dot on the map known as Farmville. Last weekend I had the opportunity to partake in the First Annual Dirty South Tour with my brother-in-law and his younger brother who is still a year my senior. These past 2 weekends have been quite the workout for the liver. The day doesn't seem complete without telling her that I hope she has sweet dreams. The lovely young lady that I wrote about a few weeks ago and I are still, " Talking," and I've never in my life felt the sense of fullness of heart that I feel when I hear that sweet voice telling me all about her day. I learned that making someone that you care about happy can bring such a sense of accomplishment.

So many changes have come for me since the last time that I mustered the stamina to throw the only two cents that I have in to the blogging community. I've had to learn a multitude of other things in the same breath but adaptation seems to be the one thing that rings useful most times. As we all know change is very hard for most of us, but if its one thing that my job has taught me it's that things can go from hunky dory to complete and utter shitstorm in a matter of milliseconds. I concluded nothing more than to write exactly what I thought about, change. Slithering around early this morning or very late this night, ever the case may be, I tried to gather some inspiration for today's entry.
Dont call me up at 2 am tonight song how to#
If anyone has any ideas about how to get in to something like either of those two professions, feel free to shoot me a message, or if you, yourself is looking for something in those fields, please let me know. I figure one of my favorite things to do is talk and if I could get a job doing either of those things, I would have it made. Only problem with those things is I'm not sure how to really break in to either of them. One thing that I would really like to try would be a radio personality or a voiceover actor. There are so many things that I would like to experience, and if I stay here I'll never get to do any of them. I know for a fact that if I sit behind this computer console for the rest of my life, I will end up being alone, and unhappy. Recently I have had several thoughts to branch out and figure out what I want to do when I grow up.

One thing that hasn't changed is the fact that I'm still working where I was a year ago, which is good.kind of.

It's pretty hard to believe that it has been almost a whole year since I've done anything on this blog of any substance.